
Logging in.

To log in you can click on the main image on the main page, or click login here. Your username will be the full email address. For example, Your password will be whatever password was assigned to you or the password you asked for.

You may get a security error like the one below. This is due to new security features in Internet Explorer, nd an unknown security certificate issued by Select the option to "Continue to this web site".

You will be prompted to enter your user name and password.

Your username will be the full email address. For example, Your password will be whatever password was assigned to you or the password you asked for. You may select the option "Remember my password" if you are not on a shared or public computer.

You can then choose the webmail interface you would like to use.

How do I change my password?

On the login choice screen above, click on the "Change Password" icon:

You will be prompted to enter a new password. You will need to enter the password twice, both time the same way. This is to make sure you don't accidentally set it incorrectly.

What if I forget my password?

If I give you an email account, you will either by some one I know, or a friend of some one I know. You can email, ring me, or text me or your friend to ask for a password reset. It is probably best to ring me between 5:30-8pm weekdays except Wednesday, 9am to 8pm Weekends or send me a SMS text message at other times. It is best that you only leave voicemail on my land line because it is expensive to listen to voice mails on the mobile and I may not be able to listen to it for several days or even weeks.

Once I have your message I will reset your password and get back to you as soon as I can to let you know that it has been reset. I will usually set your temporary password to "Password1" with a capital P.

Will my email be private?

Yes. I will respect your privacy and not read your email or look in your email box. I will only read email you send to me. You are encouraged to reset your email password when you first log in to ensure your privacy. I can not read your email without resetting your password.

What if I am away for a while and want to let people know?

You can set an auto reply message if you are away from your email. Click on the "Auto Responders" icon on the email choice screen:

You will be presented with a screen with information about the auto responders. Click on "Add Auto-responder"

Next, enter the email address that the email will be coming from. This is your email address. E.G. ""

Enter a subject. E.G. "I am on holidays and will back after Christmas"

Enter the body of the text, this is the message you want people to receive.

Finally, click "Create/Modify". This will save the Auto Responder.

How do I stop my Auto Responder?

Click on the "Auto Responders" icon on the email choice screen:

Find the auto responder, and click on Delete.

I'm getting Spam! How can I block messages I do not want?

On the email choice screen, click on the icon for "Email filtering"

Click on the "Create a new Filter" button.

You can create all sorts of rules to block or sort email. Say for example you are getting email from a particular address that you do not want. You can choose to block email from addresses which equals ""

Or if you are getting Spam with a particular word, you could block emails where the body of the email contains "annoying word"

Where can I get more help?

Most of the pages have a help icon near the top right, and some have tutorial videos. If you get stuck, email or text me. I may take a while to respond, especially if I am at work, asleep, on holiday or lazy. :) is my little email domain intended solely for my friends. You can't sign up for an email account here.